Deepwater Wind Names New Fisheries Liaison

US-based Deepwater Wind has appointed Rodney Avila as the new Fisheries Liaison, who will act as a mediator between local fisheries and the company regarding its planned offshore wind farms.

Image source: Deepwater Wind

According to Deepwater Wind, the appointment of Avila, a veteran fisherman and fisheries advocate, comes as part of the company’s commitment to ongoing dialogue with the fishing industry.

Besides guiding communication between the representatives of local fisheries and Deepwater Wind about offshore wind farms, Avila will be in charge of performing outreach to the commercial and recreational fishing communities.

Avila previously worked as an outreach specialist for the New Bedford Fishermen’s Family Assistance Center, which provides employment and training services for fishermen. He served on the New Bedford Harbor Development Commission, the Massachusetts Fisheries Commission and the New England Fishery Management Council, and has also owned several commercial fishing enterprises.

“I’ve been around a long time, and have always said you have to change with the times. It’s no different for fishermen. Offshore wind power is here to stay, and after observing Deepwater’s approach in building the wind farm off Block Island and getting to know the team, I’m sure that this is the company that will develop wind power the right way, with everyone in mind,” Avila said.