Seaproof Wins Horns Rev 3 Cable Protection Contract

Wind Farm Update

After recently winning contracts for Hornsea Project One in the UK and Trianel Windpark Borkum II in Germany, Seaproof Solutions has won a cable protection system (CPS) supply contract for the Horns Rev 3 offshore wind farm in Denmark. 

Image source: Seaproof Solutions (cropped)

The contract, awarded by VBMS, covers the design and supply of cable protection systems for the installation of the 33kV inter-array cables for the 400MW offshore wind farm.

Henrik Bang-Andreasen, Founder and CEO at Seaproof Solutions said: This is our first contract with VBMS which marks an important milestone for Seaproof Solutions. This contract also confirms that our Cable Protection Systems are attractive for highly competitive offshore wind projects such as Horns Rev 3.”

This is the 14th offshore wind farm project for Seaproof Solutions, taking the total number of cable protection systems supplied to more than 1,000 units, the company said.

Horns Rev 3 will feature 49 MHI Vestas 8MW turbines, optimised at 8.3MW.

The offshore wind farm, developed by Vattenfall, is being built between 29 and 44 kilometres west of Houstrup Strand on Jutland’s west coast, in water depths of up to 21 metres.