VIDEO: Education, Research and Innovation (Expertise Hub)


Driven by innovation and further cost reduction, offshore wind has the potential to grow to 100GW in 2030, according to Innovation Outlook: Offshore Wind’, a new report from the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) launched on 31 October at the World Wind Energy Conference in Tokyo. 

Illustration (Image source: MARIN/ archive)

Next-generation wind turbines with larger blades and floating turbines are expected to facilitate further development of the offshore wind sector, the report says. IRENA also provided a set of recommendations for the effective implementation of policy mechanisms and incentive programmes, including funding for targeted research and development and supporting information sharing and skills development.

With knowledge being the base for research and innovation, Offshore WIND spoke to Bauke Kuiper, wind energy course developer at NHL Hogeschool (NHL University of Applied Sciences), who said the industry needs more engineers.

Watch the entire interview with Bauke Kuiper HERE.

Erik-Jan de Ridder, Senior Project Manager at MARIN, discussed floating and other wind turbine foundations, as well future installation approach.

Watch the entire interview with Erik-Jan de Ridder HERE.

Hans Knudsen, Technical Direcor at Comfil, said the offshore wind sector needs sustainability and this can be ensured by using large, recyclable blades made of thermoplastic composite materials.

Watch the entire interview with Hans Knudsen HERE.

Since standardisation of wind turbine components can contribute to reducing the costs, a balance between innovation and standards needs to be found, according to Hans Cleijne, Principal Consultant at DNV GL.

Watch the entire interview with Hans Cleijne HERE.

The interviews took place at the first Offshore WIND Expertise Hub, set up during the Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference 2016 in Amsterdam.