3DW Completes Norfolk Vanguard 3D Model


UK-based 3D graphics company 3DW has recently completed an interactive 3D model of the proposed 1.8GW Norfolk Vanguard offshore wind farm for Vattenfall.

Illustration. Source: Vattenfall

The Swedish energy company will use the 3D model of the wind farm at their public consultation for the scheme, which will be held across Norfolk, UK,  from 18 to 29 October.

The Norfolk Vanguard is at the early stages of development.

Vattenfall will be undertaking a programme of non-statutory and statutory consultation over the course of the pre-application period, up to the submission of the application for the project in 2018.

In March 2016, Vattenfall launched the Norfolk Vanguard project after agreeing a lease with The Crown Estate, the manager of the seabed.

The project, if consented, is scheduled to start construction and operation in the 2020s.

The wind farm could feature up to 225 turbines, but the exact number will be decided after the consent is in place.

Next year, Vattenfall will also commence development of the nearby Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm with a capacity of another 1.8GW, for which it aims to get the irrevocable consent by 2021.