Suomen Hyötytuuli Maps Out Works at Tahkoluoto

Wind Farm Update

Finnish wind farm developer Suomen Hyötytuuli Ltd has launched a map showing progression of construction works at the site of the 40MW Tahkoluoto offshore wind farm off Pori.

Seabed preparation works started earlier this month. The works include dredging and excavation to prepare the seabed for the wind farm’s ten foundations and subsea cables, and are expected to be completed by the end of August.

Jan De Nul was chosen as the main contractor for marine construction in March 2016. The company is in charge of dredging, seabed construction work, and the installation of foundations and wind turbines. The work will take place over the next two summer seasons.

Technip Offshore Finland will supply gravity-based steel foundations, while ABB is in charge of the substation and main transformers. Prysmian Finland will supply the subsea cable for the wind farm.

The EUR 120 million Tahkoluoto OWF will comprise ten 4MW Siemens turbines scheduled for commissioning during the autumn of 2017.