UXO Consultancy and Desktop Study Needed for Kriegers Flak Interconnector

Grid Connection

Denmark’s Energinet.dk and Germany’s 50Hz Transmission have issued a tender for an UXO consultancy and desktop study for the 400 MW Kriegers Flak combined grid solution (CGS).

Source: 50Hz Transmission

The two transmission system operators are planning a HVAC cable between offshore substations located at the two offshore wind farms, the 600MW Kriegers Flak in Danish waters,  and the 288MW Baltic 2 in German waters of the Baltic Sea. The planned cable route is approximately 25 kilometres long.

The scope of the UXO contract includes the desktop study for the planned construction area along the cable route, and UXO consultancy services with the purpose of supervising the survey contractor and ensuring that Energinet.dk and 50Hz Transmission choose a cable route route where the UXO risk level has been mitigated to ALARP and in consideration of all national UXO standards.

The Kriegers Flak CGS will be the world’s first offshore interconnection by using the national grid connections to offshore wind farms in the Baltic Sea.

It will connect the Danish region of Sjaelland and German Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, and the construction is expected to begin in late 2016 or early 2017. The interconnector is planned to start operating by the end of 2018.

The tender is open until 31 May.