MGS Completes CETO 6 Offshore Survey

3D bathymetry surface of a small area within the CETO 6 survey area.
3D bathymetry surface of a small area within the CETO 6 survey area.

Marine GeoSolutions Pty Ltd (MGS), a Perth-based marine geophysical and hydrographic survey company, has completed a substantial offshore marine survey in support of Carnegie Wave Energy’s CETO 6 Yirra Wave Energy project. 

3D bathymetry surface of a small area within the CETO 6 survey area.

The project involved the acquisition of high resolution hydrographic and geophysical survey data at the proposed installation sites of the wave energy array off Garden Island, Western Australia, as well as along a proposed cable route that will connect the array to the shore.

The survey systems utilised for the project included: multibeam echosounder, inertial navigation system, side-scan sonar, magnetometer and three different sub-bottom profiling systems.

3D seafloor geology image of a small area within the CETO 6 survey area.
3D seafloor geology image of a small area within the CETO 6 survey area.

Shortly after being awarded the geophysical survey, one of the company directors Dr Peter Ramsay said: “We are particularly pleased with being awarded this contract as it demonstrates the company’s ability to win key projects issued by means of a competitive bidding process in the face of stiff competition from our competitors. We believe that this contract will enable further market penetration and serve to grow our company’s reputation.”

The other company director Warwick Miller said: “We are extremely proud to be associated with Carnegie Wave Energy Limited and to be able to contribute on such a significant renewable energy project.  Our company is also very pleased to be working closely with RPS Energy who were appointed as the client representatives for the duration of the project.”

MGS said that very high quality datasets were acquired from the survey instrumentation and careful processing and interpretation resulted in Carnegie Wave Energy receiving a multi-use dataset, which can be utilised for various facets of the project.

Images: MGS