OMM’s New Tool Completes Gode Wind 1 Work

Grid Connection

Offshore Marine Management (OMM) has used its new tool, the MDS3, to lay mattresses for client NSW – the main contractor for the manufacture and installation of export cable for the Gode Wind 1 offshore wind farm.

The tool was designed and developed by OMM based on its extensive offshore project experience. Testing was completed on the MDS3 in June 2015 before it headed to the North Sea to install cable crossings for the Gode Wind 1 cable route.

Steve Maddison, MDS3 Project Manager from OMM, who managed the project, said: “It was great to see the MDS3 in action for the first time; this project proves that NSW were confident in both our expertise subsea and that our tool would deliver all the key benefits promised, such as reducing costs and minimising the duration of the cable protection process. We know the MDS3 will only become more efficient with each subsequent offshore campaign.”

Each of the crossings from the Gode Wind 1 offshore wind farm to the DolWin Beta converter station consisted of 2 mattresses and the work was completed in half of the time when compared to a standard mattress installation frame, as well as improving safety by installing each crossing in a single deployment.

Oliver Marrek, Project Manager at NSW, said: “We were really pleased with the delivery from Offshore Marine Management and were impressed with the capabilities of the MDS3. The work was completed efficiently and to the highest of standard and we would certainly recommend this service within the industry.”

Image: offshoremm