Report on Future Cost of Wind Power Now Available

R&D has added “The Future Cost of Wind Power” 2015 market research report to the energy and wind power industry intelligence collection of its business research store.

The cost of wind power has continued to fall compared with many other technologies over the past five years and is now approaching the level at which it can compete with conventional technologies. By the end of the decade, wind power could be the second cheapest source of electricity after natural gas in many markets. Growth of wind power is expected to continue strongly in the major markets of Europe, Asia and North America, the report reads.

Few key features from the future cost of wind power market research cover analysis of wind power generation technology costs, concepts, drivers and components; assessment of electricity costs for different technologies in terms of the two fundamental yardsticks used for cost comparison, capital cost and the levelized cost of electricity as well as examination of the key wind power generation technologies costs.

This wind power market research is primarily targeted for power utility strategists, energy analysts, research managers, power sector manufacturers, wind power developers, investors in renewables systems and infrastructure, renewable energy developers, energy/power planning managers, energy/power development managers, governmental organisations, system operators, companies investing in renewable power infrastructure and generation, investment banks, infrastructure developers and investors, intergovernmental lenders and energy security analysts.