MARIN Floats First Monobase Foundation Prototype


MARIN has built the first ever (model) Monobase. The prototype will be tested in the coming two weeks in the MARIN facilities in Wageningen, the Netherlands.

The model will be used to test all the main characteristics of the tow, installation and the inplace condition.

According to the MonoBase Wind website, the first floating tests on the model have been done, and today the real tests will start.

MARIN Floats First Monobase Foundation Prototype (2)The MonoBaseWind is a new foundation for large offshore wind turbines based on a combination of existing and proven offshore technologies. The foundation and turbine can be completely assembled inshore and towed to the installation site, where it will be installed by a ballasting operation without the need for a crane vessel or a lifting system.

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Press release; Image: orca-offshore/monobasewind