Friends of the Supergrid Back New European Commission

Grid Connection

Europe’s largest industrial alliance for interconnection, the Friends of the Supergrid (FOSG) welcomed the newly appointed European Commission (EC) 2014-19 following its approval by the European Parliament in Strasbourg on October 22, 2014.

Speaking in Brussels, FOSG Chairman, Pierre Bernard said:

“We are confident that, under President Juncker’s leadership, and the steering of Messrs. Maroš Šefcovic and Mr. Arias Cañete, respectively the new Vice-President for the Energy Union and the Commissioner for Climate and Energy, the European Union will achieve its objective of completing the Internal Energy Market and will reach its 2020 targets.

“FOSG looks forward to playing an active role in helping the new EC reach its targets. The development of a fully integrated and optimized pan-European transmission network, the Supergrid, is an essential element to ensure security of supply, achieve a real internal market and facilitate the integration Europe’s renewable energy sources. The Supergrid will in the long run not only reduce Europe’s dependency from external energy sources but also foster the reduction of electricity prices.

“FOSG also welcome the EC’s recent Communication on ‘the progress towards completing the Internal Energy Market’ that clearly emphasizes the urgent need for more interconnections among EU Member States and the development of electricity highways to allow for an economically efficient integration of renewable energy sources across Europe.

“The EC’s Communication shows that more interconnections, electricity highways and regional projects such as the North Seas Offshore Grid Initiative will need to be accelerated in the near future.

“FOSG hopes that, as part of the Energy Union aspirations, the new EC will maintain a focus on such interconnection needs and will make concrete proposals to further their implementation during its mandate. FOSG also urges the EU Heads of State and Government, meeting on 23-24 October 2014 at the European Council, to adopt a post-2020 long-term vision for the European energy policy.

“FOSG and its members looks forward to the new EC taking office in November and definitely intends to play a meaningful role in the development of the new European Energy Union in the coming months.”

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Press release; Image: usea