MMO Examines Westermost Rough OWF’s Noise Issues


MMO Examines Westermost Rough OWF's Noise Issues

The UK’s Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is currently looking into concerns about noise in Withernsea, East Riding of Yorkshire and the Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm. 

The MMO regulates development in the seas around England, this includes offshore wind farms construction with a capacity of up to 100 megawatts.

The organization licensed DONG Energy to construct the Westermost Rough Offshore Wind Farm in November 2011 following careful consideration of the application and a supporting environmental statement. The statement assessed the potential noise impacts including airborne noise and concluded there would be no significant impact as a result of the wind farm.

Developments are only licensed when the MMO is satisfied they meet legal requirements and any effects on the environment and quality of life are minimised.

The MMO is currently looking into the issues raised and is working with the local planning authority and the developer. It is not possible at this time to identify the exact source of any noise. Further updates will be published when available.

Details of the licence are available through the public register on the MMO website – case reference is 34633/091124. The work includes constructing 35 turbines, with the closest turbine being about 8km from the shore.


Press release, March 3, 2014; Image: DONG Energy