ABPmer Launches Online Survey to Update UK Marine Renewables Atlas


ABPmer Launches Online Survey to Update UK Marine Renewables Atlas

ABPmer, in association with The Crown Estate and DECC, has today launched an online survey to support a further update to the Atlas of UK Marine Renewable Energy.

The survey invites users to nominate their preferences for extending the Atlas with a wider range of free thematic information that describes winds, waves and tides and to compliment updates to the primary resource maps. The survey is live until February 14th, 2014 and the outcomes will be shared in March.

The online Marine Renewables Atlas provides free access to summaries of regional scale wind, wave and tidal resource information which help support offshore development. Although the primary information was last updated in 2008, the level of interest continues to remain high with around 2,000 visitors per month.

The opportunity now exists for a further update to the primary resource datasets to recognise recent enhancements in resource mapping tools, as well as the emergence of industry standards.

Bill Cooper, Managing Director at ABPmer said: “All industries need relevant and readily accessible data. The Atlas of Marine Renewable Resources has been one of the sector’s principal reference points since the original hardcopy Atlas was published in 2005.

“The purpose of this survey is to understand how people currently use the Atlas and identify other information that would be of benefit to them. There a number of options for extending the Atlas across wind, wave and tidal and we want the market to tell us what they require most. Any new Atlas outputs will be free to use.”

Press release, January 27, 2014; Image: abpmer