Fugro to Showcase R30 Marine Drill in Frankfurt, Germany

Fugro to Showcase R30 Marine Drill in Frankfurt, Germany

Fugro Renewables will present a new marine drill, R30, which was built by Fugro Seacore on the Fugro Renewables stand (30A100) at EWEA Offshore in Frankfurt, Germany.

The drill was built for the renewables market at Seacore’s facility in Falmouth, UK.

Matthew Chappell, Offshore Geotechnics Manager at Fugro Seacore explains: “It is a modular ram rig designed for ultra-rapid and efficient installation onto offshore vessels. Its creation benefits from our extensive experience in designing, manufacturing and operating offshore drilling units over more than 30 years.”

The R30 Marine Drill uses standard drilling techniques by deploying boring equipment through vessel’s moonpool using a top drive power swivel.

Fixed telescopic folding derrick rig, mud mixing and pumping unit are just some of the rig components.

“The R30 comes with a full suite of safety and performance-improving technology above standard for the industry,” says Matthew Chappell. “We are looking forward to putting the drill rig to good use in the coming months.”


Offshore WIND staff, November 13, 2013; Image: jppr