Germany: Energy Change Cannot Be Stopped, Says Windreich

Grid Connection

Germany: Energy Change Cannot Be Stopped, Says Windreich

Windreich AG welcomes the agreement of the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of the Environment for a binding time schedule for connecting the offshore wind parks to the German electricity network. Also, the agreement reached on Tuesday on the part of the Ministers responsible with respect to proceeding in matters of liability is valued as positive by the German market leader in offshore wind energy.

“The agreement is an important step on the way to the Energy Change“, says the Chairman of Windreich AG, Dipl.-Wirt. Ing. (FH) Willi Balz.

“The planned regulations for the liability of network operators create security for the operator and the investor,“ Balz continued.

According to the plan, the developers are to receive compensation for damages after just a few days if the connection of one of the wind parks to the electricity network is delayed. Planning certainty is also provided by a development plan presented jointly by Minister of Commerce Philip Rösler and Federal Minister of the Environment Peter Altmaier. It rules in a binding manner, which wind park can be joined to the network.

“This way we are also current with our future projects and over seven Giga Watts are feasible by 2020 – perhaps even more”, quoted Dr. Walter Döring, former Minister of Commerce in Baden Wurttemberg and today Advisory Council of Windreich AG.

Döring demanded to implement the draft of the Secretary, as well as the adoption and its anchoring in the Offshore Legislation this summer. “Every month counts” says Döring, with view of the politically environmental goals of the Federal Government.

“Windreich AG works with the speed and precision of a single owner managed business with high pressure on implementing the Energy Change and will also in future remain on time with its schedule,” Chairman Mr. Balz emphasized.

“In view of the latest political directions I see Windreich AG confirmed and with its three authorized wind parks, with network connection approval – Global Tech 1, MEG 1 and Deutsche Bucht – as well as with a further 20 projects in panning in the North- and Baltic Sea make a considerable contribution to the building and enhancement of offshore wind energy.” 


Offshore WIND staff, July 5, 2012; Image: Alpha Ventus