UK AN MP Wants to Move Navitus Bay Windfarm

UK: AN MP Wants to Move Navitus Bay Windfarm


UK AN MP Wants to Move Navitus Bay Windfarm

Eneco Company, which is engaged in production, transmission, trading and supply of electricity, gas, heat and related products and services, is being pressured to disclose details on the final look of the Poole Bay windfarm, consisting of 150 to 240 turbines, Daily Echo informs.

Specifically, Bournemouth boasts of its touristic potential and construction of the wind farm near the shore, 10 miles from Bournemouth could have a negative impact on tourism.

According to the words of Mark Smith, Bournemouth’s head of tourism: “research suggests the scheme could cost Dorset 500 of the 18,000 jobs in its tourism sector”.

Therefore, an MP launched petition signing aimed at making changes to the current form of the construction plan. The initiative is backed by Conor Burns, Member of Parliament for Bournemouth West, who claims that:

“If they move it as close to the shore as they can, and build them as high as they can, they will have a problem with us. Tourism is the biggest employer in Bournemouth and anything that harms it I would be against. I want people to sign because my big fear is that people aren’t aware of what’s happening, and this will creep up on us and people will say: What did you do about it?”

The plan is still undergoing the consultation stage and it is up to the government to reach the final decision on the construction of windfarms, along with the effects they might have on both environment and the overall economy.


Offshore WIND staff, April 04, 2012; Image: navitusbaywindpark