HBC Wraps Up Ørsted Subsea Inspection Campaign

Operations & Maintenance

HBC Group has completed the Ørsted Subsea Inspection Campaign on four offshore wind farms in the UK and the German North Sea.

Image source: HBC

The 2018 inspection campaign was carried out on Race Bank in the UK, and Borkum Riffgrund 1, Gode Wind 1 and Gode Wind 2 wind farms in Germany.

In the past three years, HBC has performed a wide array of subsea inspection and maintenance tasks during the Ørsted campaigns across Denmark, Germany and the United Kingdom.

Last year, HBC inspected Borkum Riffgrund 1 and Gode Wind 1 and 2, as well as Horns Rev 2 in Denmark. In the UK, the company worked at the London Array, Westermost Rough, Barrow, Walney, and Burbo Bank 2 in 2017.