Ørsted and HBC Group Resume Subsea Inspection Cooperation

Contracts & Tenders

Ørsted has awarded HBC Group with another contract to conduct subsea inspection campaigns at an undisclosed number of its offshore wind farms.

The Westermost Rough offshore wind farm. Source: Ørsted

Under the contract, HBC will this year carry out the inspection campaigns at Ørsted’s offshore wind farms located on the UK East Coast and in the German North Sea.

The two companies have previously cooperated on a number of offshore wind projects.

In 2017, HBC provided its subsea inspection services at Ørsted’s Borkum Riffgrund 1 and Gode Wind 1 and 2 in Germany, as well as at Horns Rev 2 in Denmark.

In the UK, the company worked at the London Array, Westermost Rough, Barrow, Walney, and Burbo Bank 2 last year.