Trump Pulls Out of Paris Climate Accord

The U.S. President Donald Trump has announced his intention to withdraw the United States from the Paris Climate Accord.

Source: The White House (screenshot)

In his address, President Trump said that the U.S. will now begin negotiations to either re-enter the Paris Climate Accord or ”negotiate an entirely new agreement with more favorable terms for the United States.”

While the decision is unfavorable, experts have said that the trend towards renewable energy technologies are based on economics rather than regulation, and the withdrawal, expected to take a minimum of four years, will not do much to halt that progress, The Business Network for Offshore Wind (BizMDOSW) said.

Similarly, President Trump’s decision will not impede the implementation and development of offshore wind energy in the United States, BizMDOSW said.

The network added that progressive U.S. states will lead America’s fight to combat climate change, and governors, mayors and other state officials who have championed renewable energy ere expected to be more emboldened to take action.

Maryland’s commitment to financing two new offshore wind projects with a combined capacity of 368MW will remain intact, BizMDOSW said.

Massachusetts will move forward with the large-scale procurement of offshore wind, and New York’s plan to achieve 2,400 MW is secure, the network said, adding that they will continue to pursue their goals to increase the strength and broaden the scope of offshore wind energy on the east coast.

The Paris Agreement calls on the world’s nations to keep global warming significantly below 2 degrees Celsius compared to the pre-industrial levels by transitioning to cleaner energy sources and by promoting energy efficiency.

At present, 195 nations have signed the Agreement, with only two countries not participating: Syria, whose government is subject to international sanctions and travel restrictions, and Nicaragua, which felt the Agreement did not go far enough.