Vattenfall Continues Norfolk Vanguard Tour

Business & Finance

Swedish energy company Vattenfall has confirmed the dates for the next round of public engagement days to discuss the latest developments within the 1.8GW Norfolk Vanguard offshore wind farm project.

Source: Vattenfall

The developer of the Norfolk Vanguard, and the Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm, will reveal feedback from an engagement campaign last autumn and show latest thinking on the projects.

Vattenfall is to hold nine events on the Norfolk coast and in north Norfolk, the exact dates and venues of which are shown in the table below:

“Me and my team are looking forward to talking about Norfolk Vanguard in March with people interested in the benefits of the project and of course any concerns they may have,” Vattenfall’s Project Manager for Norfolk Vanguard, Ruari Lean, said.

“So far the feedback we have received has been enormously helpful and I’m confident that stakeholders will see we have listened and that we are doing our upmost to minimise impact of both the offshore and onshore parts of the wind farm.”

In October 2016, Vattenfall revealed early plans for the Norfolk Vanguard.

The wind farm could feature up to 180 wind turbines more than 47km from the Norfolk coastline.

The offshore power cable would come ashore between Becton and Eccles-on-Sea and then run 60km to a substation in the Necton area.

The planning process for the 1.8GW Norfolk Boreas offshore wind farm is due to start later this year.