KOWL Asks For License to Build Kincardine


Kincardine Offshore Windfarm Limited (KOWL) has submitted an application to the Scottish government for a marine license for the proposed Kincardine floating wind farm.

Source: Atkins

KOWL, a joint venture company between Atkins Limited and Pilot Offshore Renewables, applied for the license ”for the deposit of substances and objects and the construction, alteration or improvements of works within the Scottish Marine Area and the Scottish Offshore Region in relation to the Windfarm.”

KOWL also asked for consent to build and operate a generating station for the wind farm, and for the public rights of navigation to be extinguished in those areas of the Scottish Marine Area where structures forming part of the offshore wind farm are to be.

The developer said that the areas of sea between the wind farm’s structures are not included in the request for the extinguishing of the public rights of navigation.

The proposed Kincardine wind farm is situated approximately 15 kilometres from Aberdeen at the closest point and lies entirely within the Scottish Marine Area.

The wind farm comprises up to 8 wind turbine generators with a combined capacity of up to 50MW, with a grid connection to Redmoss substation located to the south of Aberdeen.

If consent is awarded, construction is estimated to take around two years with a planned date of the first turbine coming into operation in early 2018.