E.ON Upgrades Amrumbank West to 302 MW, Invests over €10Bn in Renewables

Business & Finance

Following an upgrade of Amrumbank West offshore wind farm from 288 to 302 megawatts, E.ON reported that its net investments in renewables have surpassed EUR 10 billion.

Photo: E.ON

In December 2015, E.ON and Siemens implemented a software solution that allows Amrumbank West to harvest more energy in times of strong wind, the company told Offshore WIND.

“We’re proud of what we’ve accomplished,” Michael Lewis, CEO of E.ON’s renewables business, said. “We’ll continue to invest and to work hard to make renewables competitive and therefore as cost-effective as possible for our customers.”

The company said that it has invested in renewable energy more than any other German energy company.

E.ON is currently building the 400 MW Rampion offshore wind farm in the UK, which is set to become the first offshore wind farm off the south coast of England.