Cobscook Bay Could Become Tidal R&D Site


Cobscook Bay could become a site for marine hydrokinetic research and development.

Namely, Ocean Renewable Power Company (ORPC), alongside European Marine Energy Center, submitted a request for information (RFI) to the U.S. Department of Energy.

ORPC President and CEO Christopher Sauer spoke at Eastport City Council meeting where he pointed out that the bay has now been well studied, has grid connection and has people in the region who are experienced in the work of tidal energy development.

If the Department of Energy is interested, it will send out a funding request announcement with a request for a more detailed proposal.

Sauer also explained to the council the company is in the development of its newest version of tidal energy device. He believes the new system that features tension mooring system instead of metal cage will be financially viable in the third quarter of 2016.

 OffshoreWIND staff; Image: orpc