Carnegie Receives Another Payment from Australian Government

Business & Finance

Carnegie Receives Another Payment from Australian Government

Wave energy developer Carnegie Wave Energy Limited announced the receipt of $748,849 from the Australian Government for progress on the desalination plant, foundations, onshore power plant and pipelines of the Perth Wave Energy Project; with an additional $451,480 received from the Western Australian State Government.

Carnegie received $470,159 for completion of three milestones from the Australian Government under its grant from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) Emerging Renewables Program. The milestone payments were awarded for Carnegie’s progress on the Project’s foundation system, onshore plant and pipeline. Carnegie previously received a payment of $451,480 for these same milestones under its LEED Grant from the Western Australian State Government.

Separately, Carnegie also received a quarterly grant payment of $278,690 as part of a $1.27m AusIndustry grant that supports the design, construction and operation of a CETO wave powered desalination pilot plant which will desalinate seawater to produce freshwater. This is the third quarterly payment received and takes the total funds received to date to $601,598, which is approximately half the total grant funding.

This follows on from successful completion of detailed design, environmental investigations and the awarding of the contract for manufacture and construction of the desalination plant. Onsite works and construction of the Desalination Pilot Plant have now commenced. Installation and commissioning is scheduled for the first half of 2014.


Press release, November 28, 2013; Image: carnegie