Lecture – Marine Renewable Energy: To What Extent Will It Answer The Energy Question? detail page

Lecture – Marine Renewable Energy: To What Extent Will It Answer The Energy Question?
  • Date:
    October 12th 2015 until October 12th 2015
  • City:
    Auckland, New Zealand

Event location

  • Maritime School (Level 1)
  • ., Auckland
  • New Zealand

The United Kingdom is firmly immersed in a process to overhaul how it will provide for its energy demands in the coming decades. The approach must be a holistic one to provide the means for electricity generation, space heating and transportation and must take into account the desire for decarbonisation to minimise the impact on climate change, to provide security of supply, and to give value for money to the consumer.

In this context, the renewable energy industry is making great strides to contribute to the overall portfolio, most notably in wind-energy generation and solar photo-voltaic systems. But as an island nation, we also recognise that the ocean resources around the UK present an opportunity.

This lecture will appraise the developing marine renewable energy industry, and describe the challenges it faces using the presenter’s own experiences with his company, Tidal Energy Ltd.

More info: imarest

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