Germany Starts Probing New Offshore Wind Areas


Germany’s Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency (Das Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie (BSH)) is launching the second round of preliminary investigations of offshore wind farm sites on Friday, 1 February.


The second round of investigations will cover three areas in the German Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of the North Sea. The three areas will feature operational wind farms from 2027 onwards, BHS said.

The N-7.2 area, on which a wind farm is due to be commissioned in 2027, has a size of approximately 52km2. The area is located about 82km north of the Borkum island.

The two immediately adjacent areas, N-3.5 and N-3.6, are located about 50km north of the Borkum. The N-3.5 area has a size of about 26km2, the N-3.6 area of about 32 km2. Offshore wind electricity from these two areas is expected in 2028, according to BSH.

Over the next few years, BSH will carry out or commission studies on the marine environment and the seabed, as well as wind, waves and other oceanographic parameters. On the basis of the results of the investigations, BSH will determine if the areas are suitable for the construction of offshore wind farms.

Prior to starting the studies, BSH will determine which preliminary investigations to undertake and at what scope based on feedback received from authorities, associations, companies and the public until 4 March.

On 20 March, BSH will present and discuss the concept for the investigations and pass the information on to the Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) which will issue calls for tender to carry out investigative works.

The results and reports from the preliminary investigations will be made available to the potential developers in advance. They will serve as the basis for the compilation of the bids and the planning of the wind farms.