Kriegers Flak CGS Cables Now In Place, Linking Denmark and Germany

Grid Connection

Both offshore cables of the Kriegers Flak Combined Grid Solution (CGS) are now in place, connecting the Danish and German transmission grids in combination with the infrastructure of offshore wind farm grid connection in the Baltic Sea.

Photo: 50Hertz

On 5 July, the second 25 kilometre long submarine cable for the link has been laid on the Danish platform of the 605MW Kriegers Flak offshore wind farm.

Starting point for the installation of both cables was the platform at the German 288MW Baltic 2 offshore wind farm, operational since 2015.

“In the business everybody knows how complex the installation of submarine cables can become; especially in this case we have pulled in the cables without any interruption of the operating platform (Baltic 2),” said Elke Kwapis, project manager of the Kriegers Flak CGS at the German transmission system operator 50Hertz. “Due to the very good cooperation with the Danish TSO Energinet as well as with our colleagues from the Regional Center North and the platform operator EnBW we have reached this important milestone.”

The 400MW interconnection at Kriegers Flak is enabled by one of the two substations, the 400MW Kriegers Flak B, which accommodates the Kriegers Flak E module, installed at the beginning of May 2018.

The Combined Grid Solution project is funded with up to EUR 150 million from the European Energy Programme for Recovery.