Pontis Engineering: How to Score in Brazil?

Business & Finance

Brazil is hot. Right now the whole world is glued to the television because of the World Cup. But also business wise all eyes are on the home of samba. 

Pontis Engineering: How to Score in Brazil?

The Dutch government is exploring possibilities of collaboration between The Netherlands and Brazil in the field of on- and offshore wind energy.

Brazil has one of the cleanest energy matrices in the world and wind power is the fastest growing source of power generation, with a market potential of 300GW.

Enough potential, but there is a need for (technical) knowledge and experience to bring this industry to fruition. Pontis has been active in the country for several years already, hence the company are regularly asked to explain how it does that. Pontis says that its experiences gained there are very valuable to other entrepreneurs who want to do business in Brazil.

Source: Pontis Engineering, July 02, 2014; Image: London Array (Illustration)