Work on Western HVDC Link Delayed

Grid Connection

The subsea cable installation of the Western HVDC Link, which will bring renewable energy from Scotland to homes and businesses in England and Wales, has been postponed. This work was due to start in early May 2014.

Work on Western HVDC Link Delayed

Whilst electrical power is often expected to flow from north to south, the Western Link will be bidirectional in that power can also be made to flow in the opposite direction according to future electricity supply and demand requirements.

The cable laying vessel Atalanti will install and bury the shallow water section of the Western HVDC Cable from the Wirral shore end for about 36km.  The tug Artemis will assist this operation. The subsea cable installation is expected to be completed by June 2014.

The Western HVDC Link Project will entail installation of two 600 kV DC submarine cables in the Irish Sea from Ardneil (Scotland) to Wirral (England) for a total route length of about 385 km.

Construction of the Western Link is being carried out by a consortium of Siemens and Prysmian.

Offshore WIND staff, May 13, 2014; Image: Siemens